Custom Segment Syntax

In Aporia, custom segments are defined using SQL-based syntax.

The definition is written as a condition that will be passed to a WHERE clause. The condition should be based only on fields within your model version schema.

The following SQL operators are supported:

>, <, <=, >=, !=, &, |, =, is, not, or, and

Categorical fields are ingested as strings. If your segment includes a comparison of a categorical field and a constant value, remember to quote the constant value.


  1. Assume we have a numeric field "age" and a boolean field "is_customer" in our schema, we can create a segment based on these fields as follows:

--Segment of customers above age 23
age > 23 and is_customer = True
  1. Assume we have a categorical field "partner_type" and categorical field "deal_step" in our schema, we can create a segment based on these fields as follows:

--Segment of all 'Gold' partners with missing deal stage
partner_type = 'Gold' and deal_stage is null
  1. Assume we have a categorical field "region_code" in our schema, we can create a segment based on this field as follows:

--Segment of all data with region_code different than '123'
region_code != '123'

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