API Extended Reference

Create Dataset

Complete API documentation can be found here

The config parameter can include the following keys:

  • header: Applicable only to AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Azure Blob. This flag indicates whether Spark should interpret the first line of the file as column names. Example: "header": false. Only relevant for CSV files.

  • infer_schema: Applicable only to AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Azure Blob for CSV data. This flag determines whether the column types should be automatically inferred when reading the file. Example: "infer_schema": false. In most cases, this can be left out.

  • object_format: Applicable only to AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Azure Blob. Defines the format of the data files. Possible values are parquet, csv, json, delta. Example: "object_format": "parquet".

  • query: Specifies the dataset query used to retrieve data. Example: "query": "SELECT f1, f2 FROM data_table". Applicable to all data sources. Note: Some data sources may use different SQL dialects. For blob-storage data sources, this SQL is SparkSQL and you can access the file data using {data} as a table name.

  • regex: Applicable only to AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Azure Blob. Defines a regular expression for the data bucket/path. Example: "regex": "demo-data/demo-fraud-model-data.parquet".

Create Monitor

Complete API documentation can be found here

  • type: Specifies the monitor type. Possible values are: "model_activity", "missing_values", "data_drift", "prediction_drift", "values_range", "new_values", "model_staleness", "performance_degradation", "metric_change", "custom_metric", "code_based_metric".

  • scheduling: A CRON string that determines the monitor's execution schedule. For example setting the scheduling string to 0 0 * * * will trigger the monitor every day at midnight.

  • is_active: A flag indicating whether the monitor is active or not.

  • configuration: Contains all settings for the monitor. This parameter may include the following keys:

    • identification: Specifies the data on which the monitor should run. It may include:

      • models: Defines the model and its versions for monitoring. Includes "id" for the model ID and "version" for the model version ID. To monitor the "per active version," set it to null; for all versions, use "all_versions"; for the latest version, use "latest". Example: "models": {"id": "929ec979-4108-4397-ba59-ad639b7271e8", "version": "338dc00f-8e56-44b9-af90-f0e6507c9b09"}. This field must always be set.

      • segment: Specifies the data segments to monitor. Includes group for the segment group ID and value for specific segment values. To include all segment values, set to null; for categorical or boolean values, specify the value (e.g., "NY"); for numeric values, provide the lower bound (e.g., for age range 18-23, use "18"). Example: "group": "f2ad3ba0-9ff8-4b95-8d20-2490a06d026a", "value": 23}.

      • features, raw_inputs, predictions, actuals: Specifies which features, raw inputs, predictions, or actuals to monitor. The value should be an array of fields, each represented by an array containing the field's name and type. Example: "features": [["age", "numeric"], ["is_insured", "boolean"], ["country", "categorical"]]. For monitors which inspect different fields (drift, metric change, performance degradation, value ranges, new values), these fields must be set.

      Example of a complete identification configuration:

  "identification": {
    "models": {
      "id": "7cf1a165-f321-452c-b8d7-2062e215cf37",
      "version": null
    "segment": {
      "group": "f2ad3ba0-9ff8-4b95-8d20-2490a06d026a",
      "value": "AZ"
    "features": [
  • configuration: Used to define monitor settings. It may include:

    • focal: Configurations for the data being analyzed. Potential keys include:

      • source: Data source, which can be "SERVING", "TRAINING", or "TEST". Example: "source": "SERVING".

      • skipPeriod: A time period, starting from the monitor execution time, to skip data calculations, formatted as a time string (e.g., "2h", "1w"). Example: "skipPeriod": "3h" will skip all data records from the last 3 hours.

      • timePeriod: The time frame for data calculation, formatted as a time string (e.g., "2h", "1w"). Example: "timePeriod": "1w" recalculates all data within the relevant week.

    • baseline: Configurations for the baseline data being compared against. Potential keys include:

      • source: Data source, which can be "SERVING" or "TRAINING". Example: "source": "SERVING".

      • skipPeriod: Similar to focal, specifies a time period from NOW to skip data calculations. Example: "skipPeriod": "3h". Note that it is common practice to set the skip period of the baseline equal to the time period of the focal, to match the timeframes.

      • timePeriod: Time frame for data calculation, formatted as a time string (e.g., "2h", "1w"). The time period is starting after the skip period (see sketch below). Example: "timePeriod": "1w".

      • segmentGroupId: When comparing data between two segments, this is the segment group ID for the baseline data. Example: "segmentGroupId": "f2ad3ba0-9ff8-4b95-8d20-2490a06d026a".

      • segmentValue: When comparing data between segments, this specifies the segment value for the baseline data. For categorical or boolean values, provide the value (e.g., "NY"); for numeric values, provide the lower bound (e.g., for an age range of 18-23, use "18"). Example: "segmentValue": 0.

      • aggregationPeriod: Defines the data aggregation period for creating a comparison timeline. Example: "aggregationPeriod": "1d" aggregates data into daily buckets.

        This is needed for anomaly detection monitors for simple metrics (i.e: activity, performance degradation, metric change, custom metric, code-based-metric)

    • logicEvaluations: Defines the monitor's logic. Should be an array containing a single object with possible keys:


      • min/max: Relevant for MODEL_STALENESS, RANGE, RATIO, VALUES_RANGE. Minimum or maximum threshold for the detection, if applicable. Example: "min": 0.5, "max": 1.5.

      • thresholds: Relevant for APORIA_DRIFT_SCORE. Specifies thresholds for drift detection, which can include different thresholds for numeric, categorical, or vector drifts. Example: "thresholds": {"vector": 0.2, "numeric": 1, "categorical": 1}.

      • sensitivity: Relevant for TIME_SERIES_ANOMALY, TIME_SERIES_RATIO_ANOMALY. Sensitivity threshold for time series anomaly detection. Example: "sensitivity": 0.15.

      • testOnlyIncrease: Relevant for TIME_SERIES_ANOMALY. A flag to alert only if the anomaly value exceeds the expected range (commonly set for missing values ratio detections). Default is false. Example: "testOnlyIncrease": true.

      • new_values_count_threshold: Relevant for VALUES_RANGE detections. Sets the maximum allowed number of new values. Example: "new_values_count_threshold": 1.

      • new_values_ratio_threshold: Relevant for VALUES_RANGE detections. Defines the maximum allowed ratio between new values and previously observed values. Example: "new_values_ratio_threshold": 0.01.

      • distance: Relevant for VALUES_RANGE detections. Defines the maximum gap between focal and baseline minimum & maximum values. For example: "distance": 0.2.

      • values: Relevant for VALUES_RANGE detections. Define a list of allowed values for categorical fields. For example "values": ["a", "b", "c"].

    • metric: Configurations for the metrics being monitored. Potential keys include:

      • type: Specifies the metric type. Acceptable values are count, column_count, mean, min, max, sum, squared_sum, missing_count, missing_ratio, squared_deviation_sum, histogram, ks_distance, js_distance, hellinger_distance, accuracy, precision, recall, f1, mse, rmse, mae, tp_count, fp_count, tn_count, fn_count, custom_metric, absolute_sum, absolute_error_sum, squared_error_sum, accuracy_at_k, precision_at_k, recall_at_k, mrr_at_k, map_at_k, ndcg_at_k, psi, tp_count_per_class, tn_count_per_class, fp_count_per_class, fn_count_per_class, accuracy_per_class, precision_per_class, recall_per_class, f1_per_class, min_length, max_length, mean_length, sketch_histogram, euclidean_distance, unique_values, variance, median, value_count, auc_roc, code, auuc. Example: "type": "missing_ratio".

      • id: Relevant only forcode & custom_metric type metrics. Specifies the ID of the code-based metric. Example: "id": "929ec979-4108-4397-ba59-ad639b7271e8".

      • threshold: Applicable for metrics like accuracy, f1, precision, recall, tp_count, fp_count, tn_count, fn_count. Sets a threshold value for numeric columns. Example: "threshold": 0.5.

      • metricAtK: Applicable for metrics like accuracy_at_k, precision_at_k, recall_at_k, mrr_at_k, map_at_k, ndcg_at_k. Specifies the k value for the metric. Example: "metricAtK": 3.

      • metricPerClass: Relevant for metrics like tp_count_per_class, tn_count_per_class, fp_count_per_class, fn_count_per_class, accuracy_per_class, precision_per_class, recall_per_class, f1_per_class. Specifies the class name to calculate the metric on. Example: "metricPerClass": "0".

      • average: Relevant for metrics like recall, precision, f1

    • preConditions: Defines preconditions that the data must satisfy before the logic evaluation runs. Can include a list of objects where each is a pre-condition to verify, with potential keys:

      • name: Specifies the name of the precondition. Options include:

        • BASELINE_DATA_VALUE_IN_RANGE - verifies the value of the baseline data is in between given range.

        • FOCAL_DATA_VALUE_IN_RANGE - verifies the value of the focal is in between given range.

        • BASELINE_MIN_BUCKETS - verifies that the number of buckets with data in the baseline data exceed minimum quantity.

        • MIN_BASELINE_DATA_POINTS - verifies that the number of data points in the baseline data exceed minimum quantity.

        • MIN_FOCAL_DATA_POINTS - verifies that the number of data points in the focal data exceed minimum quantity.

        • IGNORE_TRAILING_ZEROS - removes trailing empty data buckets from baseline data and verifies the number of number of buckets with data exceed minimum quantity.

        Example: "name": "MIN_FOCAL_DATA_POINTS".

      • min / max: Applicable for BASELINE_DATA_VALUE_IN_RANGE, FOCAL_DATA_VALUE_IN_RANGE. Defines the minimum or maximum values for the data. Example: "min": 0.01.

      • value: Relevant for BASELINE_MIN_BUCKETS, MIN_BASELINE_DATA_POINTS, MIN_FOCAL_DATA_POINTS. Specifies the minimum value for buckets with data, baseline data points, or focal data points. Example: "value": 20.

      • minimumTimeWindowsInBaseline: Relevant for IGNORE_TRAILING_ZEROS. Specifies the minimum required number of buckets with data in the baseline data, ignoring trailing zeros. Example: "minimumTimeWindowsInBaseline": 3.

      • Example of a complete pre-conditions object: [{"name": "MIN_FOCAL_DATA_POINTS", "value": 20}, {"min": 0.01, "name": "FOCAL_DATA_VALUE_IN_RANGE"}, {"name": "MIN_BASELINE_DATA_POINTS", "value": 100}].

    • actions: Defines the action notifications triggered when an alert is detected. This should be an array containing a single element, with potential keys:

      • alertType: Specifies the alert type, affecting how it is displayed on Aporia's dashboard. Options include feature_missing_values_threshold, metric_change, model_activity_anomaly, model_activity_change, model_activity_threshold, model_staleness, new_values, prediction_drift_anomaly, prediction_drift_segment_change, prediction_drift_training, values_range. Example: "alertType": "prediction_drift_anomaly".

      • alertGroupByEntity: Flag indicating whether the alert should be grouped by version, data segment, etc., or just by the monitor. Defaults to true.

      • description: A text template for the alert description displayed in the Aporia dashboard. The description can include HTML tags and placeholders, which will be replaced with actual alert data. Available placeholders include model_id, model_name, model, model_version, field, importance, min_threshold, max_threshold, last_upper_bound, last_lower_bound, focal_value, baseline_value, focal_time_period, focal_times, baseline_time_period, baseline_times, baseline_segment, focal_segment, value_thresholds, unexpected_values, last_deployment_time, time_threshold, metric, drift_score, drift_score_text. Example: "description": "An anomaly in the value of the <b>'{metric}'</b> of <b>{field}</b> {importance} was detected. <br /> The anomaly was observed in the <b>{model}</b> model, in version <b>{model_version}</b> for the <b>last {focal_time_period} ({focal_times})</b> <b>{focal_segment}</b>. <br /><br /> Based on metric history average and on defined threshold, the value was expected to be below <b>{max_threshold}</b>, but <b>{focal_value}</b> was received.".

      • alertGroupTimeUnit: Defines the time unit to group alerts by. Possible values are "h", "d", or "w". Example: "alertGroupTimeUnit": "h".

      • alertGroupTimeQuantity: Specifies the time units for alert grouping (corresponding to alertGroupTimeUnit). Example: "alertGroupTimeQuantity": 24".

      • schema: Should always be "v1".

      • notification: Configurations for sending notifications for new alerts. Contains an array of objects, each with possible keys:

        • type: Notification type, which can be "EMAIL", "SLACK", "TEAMS", "WEBHOOK"

        • integration_id: For Slack, Teams and Webhook notifications, this specifies the Slack integration ID. Example: "integration_id": "a4b67272-2cf3-4fe1-82ff-2ac99c125215".

        • emails: For email notifications, this lists the email addresses to send the alert to. Example: "emails": ["ben@org.com", "john@org.com"].

        • Example configuration: [{"name": "Aporia - Teams", "type": "TEAMS", "webhook_url": "https://org.webhook.office.com/webhookb2/1234", "integration_id": "deff3bf8-a4bd-465a-887b-72f312f8d511"}, {"type": "EMAIL", "emails": ["jane@org.com"]}].

      • visualization: Specifies the graph type for visualization on Aporia's dashboard. Options include null (for no graph display), 'value_over_time', 'range_line_chart', 'embedding_drift_chart', 'values_candlestick_chart', 'distribution_compare_chart'. Example: "visualization": "distribution_compare_chart".

      • severity: Specifies the alert's severity level, which can be "HIGH", "MEDIUM", or "LOW". Example: "severity": "LOW".

      • alertGroupByTime: A flag indicating whether to merge similar alerts by time. Defaults to true.

      • maxAlertsPerDay: If set, defines the maximum number of alerts that can be generated per day from this monitor. Example: "maxAlertsPerDay": 1".

      • type: Should always be "ALERT".

    Example of a complete configuration object:

  "focal": {
    "source": "SERVING",
    "skipPeriod": "1d",
    "timePeriod": "1d"
  "metric": {
    "type": "js_distance"
  "actions": [
      "type": "ALERT",
      "schema": "v1",
      "severity": "MEDIUM",
      "alertType": "prediction_drift_anomaly",
      "description": "A prediction drift was detected in prediction <b>'{field}'</b> {importance}.{drift_score_text}<br /> The drift was observed in the <b>{model}</b> model, in version <b>{model_version}</b> for the <b>last {focal_time_period} ({focal_times})</b> <b>{focal_segment}</b> compared to the <b>last {baseline_time_period} ({baseline_times})</b>. <br /><br /> Prediction drift indicates a significant change in model's behavior. In some cases, it is a strong indicator for concept drift.<br /><br /> Prediction drift might occur because: <ul><li>Natural changes in data</li><li>Data store / provider schema changes</li><li>Data store / provider issues</li><li>Data processing issues</li></ul>",
      "notification": [
          "type": "SLACK",
          "integration_id": "df81469d-b78d-4010-94a5-8769c4f8ed3b"
      "visualization": "distribution_compare_chart",
      "alertGroupByTime": true,
      "alertGroupByEntity": false,
      "alertGroupTimeUnit": "d",
      "alertGroupTimeQuantity": 1
  "baseline": {
    "source": "SERVING",
    "skipPeriod": "2d",
    "timePeriod": "3w"
  "preConditions": [
      "name": "MIN_FOCAL_DATA_POINTS",
      "value": 1000
  "logicEvaluations": [
      "name": "APORIA_DRIFT_SCORE",
      "thresholds": {
        "numeric": 0.8

Create Model

Complete API documentation can be found here

The recalculation_schedules parameter defines the periods for data recalculation, allowing for the configuration of multiple schedules. You can set up to 5 recalculation schedules per model. Each schedule consists of the following components:

  • skip_period: Specifies the duration, starting from the current time, during which data will be excluded from the calculation. The period is defined using a time string format (e.g., "2h" for 2 hours, "1w" for 1 week). For example, setting "skip_period": "3h" will skip data records from the last 3 hours. For daily models, hours are not applicable.

  • calculation_window: Defines the time frame over which the data should be recalculated. This is also specified using a time string format (e.g., "2h" for 2 hours, "1w" for 1 week). For instance, setting "calculation_window": "1w" will trigger a recalculation of all relevant data for the past week. For daily models, hours are not applicable.

  • calculation_schedule: A CRON expression that specifies when the recalculation process should be initiated. For example, "0 0 * * *" sets the recalculation to start every day at midnight.

For instance, setting the parameters as {"skip_period": "3h", "calculation_window": "1w", "calculation_schedule": "0 0 * * *"} results in a recalculation process that is triggered daily at midnight. This process will recalculate data of a week starting from 3 hours backwards. So, if the recalculation is triggered on August 20 at midnight, it will process data from August 12 at 21:00 (3 hours skipped) up to August 19 at 21:00.

Last updated