Single Sign On (SAML)
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You can easily give access to Aporia to your team using your favorite SAML Idp.
The integration can be found on the "Integrations" page, accessible through the sidebar:
After clicking the Connect button inside the SAML Single sign on card (only available for Professional users), you will be redirected to the "Integrations" page.
Create a new application in your favorite SAML Idp and fill in the relevant details under the For you title. Here's a demonstration of the process of integrating with OKTA below.
Sign in to your OKTA dev account.
In the sidebar, click on Applications -> Applications.
Click on the Create App Integration button.
Choose SAML 2.0 and click Next. You should now be in step 1 of the creation wizard named General settings.
Fill in the App name as Aporia and click Next. Moving forward to step 2, Configure SAML.
Fill in the Single sign on URL and Audience URI according to the fields in the SAML integration page in Aporia.
7. Scroll to the Attribute Statements section. Fill in the data as follows:
URI Reference
URI Reference
URI Reference
Click on the Add Another button to add a new attribute.
Scroll down and click Next. In step 3, fill in the requested data however you think is right and click on Finish.
Inside your OKTA application page, click on the Sign On tab.
Scroll down and click the View Setup Instructions button.
Copy the value under Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL step and download the X.509 Certificate.
In Aporia, under the For us title, fill in the data you gathered from step 3 and click on Connect.
You'll be redirected to the Integration success page where you'll be able to see and edit your connection data.
You can now go and test your connection using the Idp-initiated login link.